
 Moon Clan is a unique clan like no other. Their hunting habits, skills, and most of all, clan traditions differ from all of the clans that have preceded them. Here are a few quick facts about Moon Clan:

- they hunt birds, rabbits, voles, mice, and fish
- warriors can hunt night and day, and they are the only clan that can
- Moon Clan cats adjust to the darkness quicker than any other cat
- most Moon Clan cats are sweet, compassionate, and care about all other cats, even if they are from a different clan
- fierce fighters, but will only kill if they have a good reason
- they fight alongside other clans if their help is needed
- they will always help cats in need

These characteristics make Moon Clan a very strong clan, that will last until the stars fall from the sky.


 Moonlight is very important to Moon Clan because it is partialy controlled by there Moon Clan ancestors. An apprentice is never ready to become a warrior unless there pelt shines in the moon light on the top of the moon rock.


When an apprentice is done with his/her training, they go out everynight and sit on the moonrock. On the moonrock they must sit there and think about all there training, the warrior code, and Moon Clan's personality. The apprentice will sit on the moonrock for half the night (with there mentor beside them) for as many nights as it takes for the apprentice's pelt to shine and eyes to sparkle in the moon light. Any apprentice whose pelt shines and eyes sparkle right as they sit down on the rock is considered to have a pure heart.

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